Saturday, May 31, 2014

More Cakes

I have been negligent in my posting pictures lately. To make up for my lack of uploads, here are pictures of cakes I've made in the past but have never posted.

First up, the infamous ELVIS cake from Jillian's 11th birthday. It was an Elvis Luau party with a dozen girls all playing, splashing and giggling! So much fun!

This cake I made for Jillian's best friend growing up. Kara was turning 15 and was totally into tye-dye and peace signs. I had ordered chocolate peace sign molds, but they didn't come in time, so I had to wing it with a hand-made ones. They didn't turn out too badly, but didn't have the crisp edges. The cake was pillowed with tye-dyed fondant.

Genevieve's best friend, Kayden's 2nd birthday cake was a group effort. It took three of us working on the fondant to finish this cake in time for her Ne-How Kai Lan birthday, but it turned out really well.

More posts to come. Let me know what kinds of creativity you've been busy with lately! ~ Aleshia

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