Saturday, May 31, 2014

Dance Recitals - Oh My!

Who knew dance recitals could be so intense?!?!

We've always been a soccer kind of family, so when my daughter wanted to take dance this year, I thought it would be best if we began during the spring season. HA! Well, the joke was on me. There is no spring season with dance. It's a year-long commitment. But the dance studio assured me that the girls would do just fine and we ordered the recital costumes right then and there. (That was one expensive day but now it was so worth it!)

For the last five months, the girls have been practicing their little toes off! Jillian is constantly spinning, twirling and leaping through the house (and driving us all a bit crazy!) and Gigi tries to out-do her sister. Needless to say, we were all anxious for the recital to be here.

Last night, they performed their hearts out and glowed with pleasure for the rest of the evening. The footage is not the best since it was crowded and I happened to be stuck behind a rather tall gentleman. But they did wonderful.

Here is Jillian's performance:

Here is Gigi's performance:
Gigi so proud of her medal.

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